Welcome to St. Paul Lutheran Church Denton, Texas
Sunday Mornings
8:15 a.m. Traditional
9:30 Bible Classes
10:45 a.m. Blended
Sunday Nursery Care
Church Office (940) 387-1575
Sunday Mornings
8:15 a.m. Traditional
9:30 Bible Classes
10:45 a.m. Blended
Sunday Nursery Care
You may also visit our Facebook page for live and archived services.
We embrace the calling of 1 Peter 2:9 for each and every believer to serve as a royal priest in the priesthood of believers by providing training, support, and encouragement to all members to serve.
We believe that worship is centered in Christ crucified and the gifts that He gives to us in Word and Sacrament. Our worship is based on knowing that Christ first gives us His gifts and then we respond to His grace.
(Catechesis) We believe that education in God’s Word is necessary for us as God’s people to grow in our spiritual lives. Teaching children, youth, and adults the Word of God is foundational and critical in our educational activities.
We believe in the importance of family as the basic building block of society and community. We support, encourage, and equip family members to live out their divinely designed roles in their families.
We appreciate those who serve us as professional church workers. We adequately provide for the physical and emotional needs of our workers and their family members. We encourage and support workers in personal and professional development.
We are moved to show the mercy of Jesus in tangible ways. We share His mercy with one another through acts of compassion and we extend God’s love and mercy to people outside of our congregation through ministries of human care.
We confess the Bible to be God’s inspired and inerrant Word. We believe the Lutheran Confessions to be the true exposition of God’s Word. We are committed to teaching and practicing the doctrinal positions of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
We are committed to carrying out the Great Commission through our direct work in bringing the Gospel to people in our community and by supporting the work of others regionally, nationally, and globally.
We purposefully engage nonchurched people in our community through a planned approach that guides them from a connection point to becoming active in the spiritual life of our congregation.
We value prayer as foundational to our lives in Christ. We center our activities in prayer, keep one another in our prayers, and encourage each other to pray at all times and in all circumstances.
We recognize the inherent value of human life from conception to natural death. We support efforts to preserve and protect the lives of all human beings, including the preborn, disabled, aged, and infirmed, because they are created in the image of God.
We acknowledge that everything we have has been entrusted to us by the Lord, who owns all things, for us to manage in accordance with His will. We provide training and support to equip God’s stewards to be faithful in their stewardship.
We are committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus through the witness of our individual members. We equip, encourage, and empower our members for active and effective witnessing.
We value the youth of our congregation as both the church of the future and of the present. We provide opportunities for the growth of children, teens, and young adults through Christian education, involving them in service, and offering them roles in leadership.
St. Paul has two in person worship services each Sunday and viewabable live-streamed on the viewer above and Facebook at 8:15 and 10:45 a.m.
In Person Children's Sunday School and adult classes are available at 9:30 a.m.
Worship Bulletins: CLICK HERE
Welcome to St. Paul Lutheran Church and University Center located in downtown Denton. Simply put, we are a congregation of Christians with resolute faith. We believe that if we love God and let our faith in Jesus show us how to love each other, the world will take notice and follow in kind!
We've known God's plentiful grace.
We've experienced Jesus' love through His life, death and resurrection.
We've seen proof of His unfailing love.
Whether you're new to the area or have recently found yourself wandering in search of a new church home, we may be your answer. When you find a congregation that meets your spiritual needs, you become a witness to Jesus' love.
With the universal Christian Church, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod teaches and responds to the love of the Triune God: the Father, creator of all that exists; Jesus Christ, the Son, who became human to suffer and die for the sins of all human beings and to rise to life again in the ultimate victory over death and Satan; and the Holy Spirit, who creates faith through God's Word and Sacraments. The three persons of the Trinity are coequal and coeternal, one God.
St. Paul Lutheran Church is a gathering of people from various surrounding communities, such as Corinth, Krum, Sanger, Little Elm, Ponder, Prosper, Oak Point, Savannah, Hickory Creek, Crossroads, Providence, Argyle, Aubrey, Krugerville, Valley View, Lewisville, Flower Mound, Highland Village, and beyond.
To share Jesus and His love.
Living as a community of followers marked by steadfast faith in Jesus and unconditional love.
We love our neighbors in Denton and the surrounding Denton communities! So feel free to visit during our weekday office hours or our Sunday Worship services.
703 North Elm Street, Denton, Texas 76201, United States
Open today | 08:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Copyright © 2025 St. Paul Lutheran Church and University Center - All Rights Reserved.